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Status Code Checker & Redirect Settings Checker

About Status Codes

Status codes are usually not something you think about when browsing websites using browsers like Chrome or Edge, but they are three-digit numbers that indicate the server's response to a client's request, helping to identify access conditions and issues on web pages.
By using this tool, you can check the status codes of the entered URL. Additionally, you can check the redirect settings, their list, and the status codes of each URL. This allows you to check the health and performance of your site and quickly identify issues on your website as part of SEO measures. Understand the role of status codes and use them to improve your site.

Meanings of Terms Related to HTTP Response Status Codes

What is a URL:
An address that points to the location of a web resource.
What is a Status Code:
A three-digit number indicating the result of an HTTP response.
What is a Redirect:
A mechanism used when a web page moves to a different URL.
What is a Client Error:
A status code returned when there is an issue with the user's request.
What is a Server Error:
A status code returned when an internal server error occurs.

List of Informational Response Status Codes

100 Continue:
Indicates that the client can continue with the request.
101 Switching Protocols:
Indicates that the server accepts the protocol change request.

List of Successful Response Status Codes

200 OK:
Indicates that the request was successful and the server responded normally.
201 Created:
Indicates that the request was successful and a new resource was created.
204 No Content:
Indicates that the request was successful but there is no content to return.

List of Redirect Status Codes

301 Moved Permanently:
Indicates that the resource has permanently moved to a new URL. Used for SEO redirects.
302 Found:
Indicates a temporary redirect, where the resource has temporarily moved to a different URL.
304 Not Modified:
Indicates that the resource has not been modified and instructs to use the cached version.

List of Client Error Status Codes

400 Bad Request:
Returned when the server cannot understand the request. This is a client-side error.
401 Unauthorized:
Indicates that authentication is required, and the provided credentials are either missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden:
Returned for requests to resources that the client is not allowed to access.
404 Not Found:
Indicates that the requested resource is not found on the server.

List of Server Error Status Codes

500 Internal Server Error:
Returned when an internal server error occurs and the request cannot be processed.
502 Bad Gateway:
Returned when a gateway or proxy server receives an invalid response from the upstream server.
503 Service Unavailable:
Returned when the server is temporarily overloaded or under maintenance and cannot process the request.
504 Gateway Timeout:
Returned when a gateway or proxy server times out while waiting for a response from the upstream server.
Text Analysis
Web Development