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Domain Whois Lookup & Verification

About Whois

Whois is a system that provides registration information about domain names and IP addresses on the internet. It includes details such as the domain owner, registration date, expiration date, registrar information, DNS server information, and more. This tool allows you to easily check detailed Whois information for domain names, making it efficient to verify website integrity, owner information, and domain management. It is also extremely useful from the perspectives of SEO measures and security management.

Terms Related to Whois

What is Whois:
A service that provides registration information for domain names on the internet.
Domain Name:
A human-readable address used to identify resources on the internet.
An organization or company that performs domain name registrations.
Registration Date:
The date when a domain name was first registered.
Expiration Date:
The date when the domain name registration period ends.
DNS Server:
A server that converts domain names to IP addresses.
Owner Information:
Information about the registrant of a domain name, including name, address, and contact details.
Administrative Contact Information:
Information about the person or organization responsible for managing the domain name.
Technical Contact Information:
Information about the person or organization responsible for the technical management of the domain name.
IP Address:
A unique number used to identify a device connected to the internet.
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